
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Psalm 19:1

Sunday Mornings

As a church family, we unite in one weekly worship service at 9:30 am. We’re calling this “One Body | One Gathering.” 
Click here for all the details.

Our great God has revealed Himself through His creation and through the Word made flesh, His Son Jesus Christ.  At BridgePoint, we gather as a church family on Sunday mornings to respond to God together.  We do this in many ways.  


We sing both contemporary and traditional Christian songs of praise to God that center on the gospel and the work that Jesus accomplished on the cross.


We spend time in prayer praising God, confessing our sin, and praying for our members and governing authorities.


We expositorily preach the Bible as the authoritative Word of God. Our sermons aim to build up Christians in their faith and encourage non-Christians to consider Jesus.


We are committed to loving each other, supporting each other, encouraging each other, and enjoying each other. We joyfully engage in church life as fully committed participants rather than spectators, critics, or consumers.

It is our goal and our hope that our gatherings reflect and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ!


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