Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Missions Week provides incredible opportunities to get to know our Ministry Partners, hear stories from the field, and learn more about opportunities to get involved and serve. We had a fantastic Missions Week this year!
In addition to our regular Missions giving, each year during Missions Week we work together on significant Great Commission projects. This year we are working toward raising $20,000 for the two projects described below.
In addition to our regular Missions giving, each year during Missions Week we work together on significant Great Commission projects. This year we are working toward raising $20,000 for the two projects described below.
- BPBC Ecuador Team – we are sending a team to Ecuador this summer from July 26-Aug 2. GIVING GOAL: $10,000 to help with the team’s financial support.
- PLI Project – Prestige Learning Institute (PLI) is our ministry partner that serves local Muslim immigrant and refugee families by addressing both their physical and spiritual needs through accessible ministries. Through their array of ministries, many are hearing the gospel for the first time. PLI gives us an opportunity to engage with unreached and unengaged people groups right here in Houston. GIVING GOAL: $10,000 to assist their English as Second Language (ESL) ministry of 200 adults, their teen girl’s group and men’s community groups.
Have questions? Do you feel a tug on your heart to serve in missions?
Please feel free to reach out to us and we'd be happy to talk to you and pray with you about your next step.
Our Vision
To help the church fulfill the Lord’s Great Commission & boldly go into the world and make disciples of all nations

What we do in local outreach
- We train our people in sharing the Gospel in their sphere of influence (family, friends, colleagues, etc) and discipleship making movement tools.
- We promote involvement and give financially to a number of specific outreach ministries that work with pregnancy centers, adoptive care, sex trafficking, prison ministries, urban disadvantaged and refugee transitions.
- We go out into our nearby community on the 1st and 3rd Saturday’s from 10am-Noon to meet our neighbors and find out how we can pray for them and introduce them to Jesus if they are interested.

What we do in global missions
We recruit, evaluate, select, mobilize, support, and care for missionaries/partners who engage in:
- Evangelizing to the unreached, and the least-reached peoples, in the US and abroad
- Church planting
- Discipleship & church leadership development
- Theological education of pastors and Christian workers in the mission fields
We also inform and encourage the congregation to participate in the mission opportunities such as:
- Taking short-term mission trips
- Serving in the committee, support, or prayer teams
How to get involved
1. Learning and getting information
- Check the Missions Week directory for emails newsletter updates of ministry partners
- Contact the Missions team for additional information about missions opportunities.
- Set aside some time each week to pray for our ministry partners.
- Adopt ministry partners and pray for them with your family, friends, or life group.
- Start a prayer group specifically for our ministry partners.
- Contact the Missions team and join a care team to minister to our ministry partners.
4. Going
- Go on a short-term mission trip to “test your hearts for missions.”
- Begin thinking about long-term mission’s opportunities, talk to the Missions Team
- Consider some of our local intercultural outreach ministries.
5. Mobilizing
- Be a source of connection, encouragement, and support for our current and future partners. Work with the Missions team to encourage others within BridgePoint to take their next steps in missions.
Join the mission
Is the Lord moving in your heart to serve through missions?
If you are interested in serving through missions, our Missions Committee would love to hear from you! Simply click the button below to request more information and someone will be in contact with you soon!