Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
We are brothers who help each other grow toward becoming Christlike reproducing disciplemakers
Welcome to the Men’s ministry of BridgePoint Bible Church. We are men who are being transformed by the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Our desire is to help the men of our church and the surrounding community get to know Jesus and to learn how to follow him in every aspect of their lives. Come find out what Jesus has in store for you.

Men's Ministry
Disciplemaking Funnel
We work toward growing in confidence and competence in becoming disciple and disciplemakers

Get involved . . . Get Connected
Every six weeks we gather for a men’s dinner to help our men get to know and “engage” one another. We are encouraged and challenged by a speaker who testifies of what the Lord is doing in their life or teaching them from God’s Word.
During the Fall and Spring, we have a weekly study of God’s Word. It is an interactive study where we learn and discuss together the truth that is there. We memorize Scripture, pray, sing, give testimony and authentically share what the Lord is doing in our lives. Recent studies have included Mark, Galatians and the Pastoral Epistles of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.
These are groups of three or four men who commit to weekly ~two hour gatherings where they work and grow towards becoming Christlike reproducing disciplemakers. Each gathering strives to accomplish four things: 1. Learn to love one another in committed brotherly love, 2. Train/Equip each other to become an ever maturing disciple of Jesus Christ, 3. Counsel each other – as we learn of the brokenness and bondage that we struggle with, then through the power of the Holy Spirit obtaining greater freedom and becoming more enslaved to righteousness, and finally 4. Sending each other out prepared to engage in daily spiritual warfare desiring to make positive spiritual impact in the life of others and eventually making disciplemaking the focus of our lives.
A number of our men participate in F3 workouts at the Corridor, the F3 AO (area of operation) in our church parking lot. Boot camp style workouts occur on Tuesdays and Thursday’s from 5:30-6:15 am and Saturday’s from 6:30-7:30 am followed by a coffeeteria fellowship. The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. The five core principles include: free of charge, open to all men, held outdoors rain or shine, peer led and ends with a Circle of Trust (CoT).
Each spring we spend a weekend together in a nearby camp setting with the purpose of refreshment, developing closer brotherly relationships and being challenged to walk faithfully with the Lord Jesus.
We desire to be a group of men who serve our families, our community and the church. Throughout the year, we look for opportunities to help maintain the church, serve the widows and elderly, and get involved in local ministry and outreaches, etc.
Men's Dinners
Every six weeks we gather for a men’s dinner to help our men get to know and “engage” one another. We are encouraged and challenged by a speaker who testifies of what the Lord is doing in their life or teaching them from God’s Word.
Every six weeks we gather for a men’s dinner to help our men get to know and “engage” one another. We are encouraged and challenged by a speaker who testifies of what the Lord is doing in their life or teaching them from God’s Word.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
During the Fall and Spring, we have a weekly study of God’s Word. It is an interactive study where we learn and discuss together the truth that is there. We memorize Scripture, pray, sing, give testimony and authentically share what the Lord is doing in our lives. Recent studies have included Mark, Galatians and the Pastoral Epistles of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.
During the Fall and Spring, we have a weekly study of God’s Word. It is an interactive study where we learn and discuss together the truth that is there. We memorize Scripture, pray, sing, give testimony and authentically share what the Lord is doing in our lives. Recent studies have included Mark, Galatians and the Pastoral Epistles of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.
Disciple-making Groups
These are groups of three or four men who commit to weekly ~two hour gatherings where they work and grow towards becoming Christlike reproducing disciplemakers. Each gathering strives to accomplish four things: 1. Learn to love one another in committed brotherly love, 2. Train/Equip each other to become an ever maturing disciple of Jesus Christ, 3. Counsel each other – as we learn of the brokenness and bondage that we struggle with, then through the power of the Holy Spirit obtaining greater freedom and becoming more enslaved to righteousness, and finally 4. Sending each other out prepared to engage in daily spiritual warfare desiring to make positive spiritual impact in the life of others and eventually making disciplemaking the focus of our lives.
These are groups of three or four men who commit to weekly ~two hour gatherings where they work and grow towards becoming Christlike reproducing disciplemakers. Each gathering strives to accomplish four things: 1. Learn to love one another in committed brotherly love, 2. Train/Equip each other to become an ever maturing disciple of Jesus Christ, 3. Counsel each other – as we learn of the brokenness and bondage that we struggle with, then through the power of the Holy Spirit obtaining greater freedom and becoming more enslaved to righteousness, and finally 4. Sending each other out prepared to engage in daily spiritual warfare desiring to make positive spiritual impact in the life of others and eventually making disciplemaking the focus of our lives.
F3 Workouts
A number of our men participate in F3 workouts at the Corridor, the F3 AO (area of operation) in our church parking lot. Boot camp style workouts occur on Tuesdays and Thursday’s from 5:30-6:15 am and Saturday’s from 6:30-7:30 am followed by a coffeeteria fellowship. The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. The five core principles include: free of charge, open to all men, held outdoors rain or shine, peer led and ends with a Circle of Trust (CoT).
A number of our men participate in F3 workouts at the Corridor, the F3 AO (area of operation) in our church parking lot. Boot camp style workouts occur on Tuesdays and Thursday’s from 5:30-6:15 am and Saturday’s from 6:30-7:30 am followed by a coffeeteria fellowship. The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. The five core principles include: free of charge, open to all men, held outdoors rain or shine, peer led and ends with a Circle of Trust (CoT).
Annual Men's Retreat
Each spring we spend a weekend together in a nearby camp setting with the purpose of refreshment, developing closer brotherly relationships and being challenged to walk faithfully with the Lord Jesus.
Each spring we spend a weekend together in a nearby camp setting with the purpose of refreshment, developing closer brotherly relationships and being challenged to walk faithfully with the Lord Jesus.
Serve Church and Community
We desire to be a group of men who serve our families, our community and the church. Throughout the year, we look for opportunities to help maintain the church, serve the widows and elderly, and get involved in local ministry and outreaches, etc.
We desire to be a group of men who serve our families, our community and the church. Throughout the year, we look for opportunities to help maintain the church, serve the widows and elderly, and get involved in local ministry and outreaches, etc.